SynTech Research Iberia has started to use drones for application to crops in field trials.
GLP certificate renewed for SynTech Research Portugal
SynTech Research Portugal has just passed its 5th GLP Inspection done by the National GLP Compliance Monitoring Authority, Instituto Português da Qualidade (IPQ).
SynTech Research Spain gains GLP certificate renewal
SynTech Research Spain has just passed the Official GLP National inspection done by ENAC, control body for certifying GLP compliance in Spain, receiving the inspectors congratulations due to the high quality of the work done. The company owns the most complete...
SynTech merger partner ACCERES acquires Certis R&D activities in Germany
Acceres, currently in the process of merging with SynTech Research, has announced the acquisition of the Certis Research and Development activities in Germany. These comprise 15 staff in 2 facilities: the R&D Center (13 staff) based in Christinenthal, north of...
Annual GLP Workshop
Last March 5th, SynTech Research Iberia celebrated its annual GLP Workshop at its headquarters in Picanya (Valencia). SynTech expertises from the different GLP departments (field, ecotox & post-harvest) attended the meeting. A very useful working day for a general...
Dislodging Residue Level (DRL) trials
Have you heard about DRL studies? That´s a NEW requirement from the regulatory bodies and SynTech Research Spain has been pioneer in their implementation and protocol design. In order to maintain their optimal conditions until their consumption after field harvest,...
SynTech to attend New Ag International Conference & Biocontrol Africa
SynTech will be participating in the New Ag International Conference & Biocontrol Africa which are to be held in Marrakesh, Morocco on 6-8 April 2020. If you are attending this Conference and would like to find out more about SynTech Research and services offered,...
SynTech Research Spain, patrocinador del III Curso Tecnología Poscosecha – Cítricos y Cultivos Emergentes en la Comunidad Valenciana
SynTech Research Spain apuesta por la formación e investigación en tecnologías de conservación de frutas y hortalizas Desde 1994, SYNTECH RESEARCH SPAIN S.L. brinda servicios independientes de investigación, desarrollo de productos y registro para el sector agrícola....
Merger between SynTech Research and Acceres
SynTech Research and Acceres are in advanced discussions to merge their businesses to form a world-leading global Agricultural R&D Contract Research Organisation (CRO). SynTech Research is a major global AgriBusiness CRO, and Acceres is a fast-growing CRO in the...
GLP studies with Sediment-water Chironomids by SynTech Spain
SynTech Research Spain gains ENAC GLP certification for laboratory studies on Sediment-water Chironomids (Aquatic invertebrates) with Plant Protection Products. With this new challenge achieved, SynTech Research gives a new step forward on its Ecotoxicology Services...